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Bastam marble


Bastam marble is part of the export stones that are exported to other countries. This stone is mined in the mines of South Khorasan province, Birjand city, Khosuf village.

Bastam marble is very similar to Khoi marble, and the only difference is in their appearance, which is faded in the form of a cotton flower, but Khoi marble has linear veins.

Dehbid stone is also similar to Bastam stone, and in other words, it is a darker color than Bastam marble.

Features of Bastam marble stone

It has a cream or beige or light Nescafe background. Cotton texture can be seen on the surface of this stone. There are very few stones in this stone game. Brown and black halos can be seen in the weaker varieties of this stone. This stone has a shiny and polished surface due to its excellent sanding ability.

Bastam marble, if it becomes dull, it can be made shiny like the first day by using a sanding machine.

Due to the polished surface of this stone, it is very easy to clean and wash this stone, but this stone is not resistant to acidic substances and you should not use acidic detergents for cleaning.

Among the prominent features of this stone, the following can be mentioned:

It has a bright and beautiful surface.
It has good compressive strength.
Cham has good wear resistance.
It has very little water absorption
It has high strength.
There is no porosity.
Disadvantages of Bastam marble stone
It has very low wear resistance.
This stone has a small production which may be time-consuming for large projects.

Advantages of Bastam marble stone

The uniform and beautiful color and design of this stone is one of the best advantages of this stone.
It has a high polish and a glossy surface
It has high compressive strength.
Water absorption in this stone is very low.

Bastam marble applications

floor covering
Decorative stone and facade
Hotel lobby
the staircase
Interior spaces
Body of interior decorations

Factors affecting the price of Bastam marble

The more the stone is free of streaks and impurities, the stone has a cleaner and more uniform surface, and as a result, it has a higher price.
The size and thickness of the stone are other factors affecting the price of this stone. The price of marble slabs is higher than that of tiles.
The higher the size of the cup, the higher the price of the stone.
The quality of the stone is also one of the factors affecting the price of the stone.
Distance from the mine and transportation costs also affect the price of the stone.
The type of cutting machine and the overall processing performed on the stone will also affect the price of the stone.

Available dimensions of Bastam marble

Mille Stone Company can offer Bastam marble stone for its customers to choose as easily as possible in the form of slabs with dimensions 1/50, 1/60, 1/70, 1/80, 1/90, 2/60, 2/70, 2/80,2 /90

and provide it in the form of tiles with dimensions of 40*60-40*80-40*100-40*120.


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